Theory of talents

Value: talents should possess sincere and genuine virtues, cherish posts and devote wholeheartedly to work, and hold perception to win through details.

l  Sincere and genuine virtues: for Yinxiang staff, the primary criteria for talent selection are sincerity, cordiality, and integrity. Namely, staff should create values for the society in the attitudes of fidelity and sincerity. For another, Yinxiang values real capabilities, moralities, and spirits of pursuing truth.

l  Dedication to posts and work: wholehearted dedication is the combination of accountability and mission. Professionalism is a concept, business, capability and even human virtue. Excellence can only be realized through professionalism. 

l  The success from details: trivial matters constitute a great event, and unconscious detail can reflect good upbringing. The fundamental of corporate competition lies in management advantages which can be embodied from details. 

